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Cardiologie Erasmus MC

PhD candidate on novel antimicrobials for bacterial airway infections

Would you like to study host-pathogen interactions in the airways and find novel antimicrobial compounds to treat pulmonary infections? Join us!
  • Reageer t/m 17-05-2024
  • 18.19.24.TS
  • 36 uur
  • WO
  • Wetenschap en Onderzoek
  • Reageer t/m 17-05-2024
  • 18.19.24.TS

Functie inhoud

We offer a 4-year PhD position to test a new generation of antibiotics as a treatment for respiratory tract infections. This project is funded by ZonMw OPEN and unites the expertise of 4 academic research groups: Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC, Pharmacology University Utrecht; Microbiology University Utrecht and Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery- University Utrecht).

Effective treatment of bacterial infections is threatened by increasing rates of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance often results in delayed adequate treatment, increasing morbidity and mortality. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are frequent causes of respiratory infections, and known for increasing (multiple)resistance rates. Evidently, alternative treatments are warranted. We previously obtained evidence that certain compounds exert antimicrobial activity against respiratory bacteria. However, knowledge on the mechanism(s) of action and effects on host responses is currently lacking yet essential to makethese compounds successful antibacterials. The objective of this research project is to provide an alternative treatment strategy strategy for S. pneumonia and P. aeruginosa -related infections.

You will test the effectivity of these compounds as treatment of S.pneumoniae and P.aeruginosa infections both ex-vivo, using lung organoids or primary macrophages; as well as in-vivo, using mouse models for bacterial pulmonary infection (including luciferase-based in vivo imaging techniques) and assess optimal treatment regimens. Read-outs and used techniques include bacterial growth; bioluminescence; (primary) cell culture; flow cytometry; multiplex cytokine analyses; diverse microscopy technologies in combination with immunofluorescence staining.

This project will unravel whether our target compounds, as stand-alone or antibiotic adjuvant therapy, qualify as a sustained treatment option for bacterial infections in humans but may also be applicable to the veterinary and agriculture field.


A challenging position within the largest University Medical Center (UMC) in the Netherlands with high ambitions in the areas of care, education and research. The successful applicant will be based at the Laboratory of Pediatrics, Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC), and work in the team of Dr. Wendy Unger (Laboratory of Pediatrics) and in close collaboration with the Pharmacology group of the Utrecht University (Dr. Saskia Braber), the Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery group of University Utrecht (Prof. Roland Pieters) and the Veterinary Faculty of the Utrecht University (Dr. Marc Wösten).

As a research laboratory, the Pediatrics Laboratory is directly affiliated with the Sophia Children's Hospital. Our research focuses on studying disease in the developing child with a special focus on infection and the response of the developing immune system. There is a strong interaction with various clinical departments in the hospital, such as the departments of Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Infectious Diseases/Immunology and Medical Microbiology, which allows discoveries from research to be quickly translated into practice but also vice versa to generate clinically relevant questions for new research goals.


We seek a driven life science candidate with a keen focus on immunology and host-pathogen interactions. The ideal candidate is goal-driven, meticulously organized, proactive, dependable, and adaptable.

Specific qualifications:

  • Applicants should have/expect to receive, a Master’s degree or equivalent in Biomedical Sciences, Biomolecular Life Sciences, Biology or related disciplines.
  • Besides strong intrinsic motivation for doing science, emphasis will be on natural curiosity, creative thinking, and the ability to work independently as well as part of a team.
  • Experience in cell culture, bacterialflow cytometry, and analyzing large datasets.
  • Affinity with or interest in working in an interdisciplinary environment is important.
  • Possession of (or willing to obtain) Art 9/Felasa B certificate for animal experimentation.

Bekijk hier de voorwaarden voor indiensttreding bij Erasmus MC.

Wat bieden wij

  • You will receive a temporary position for 4 years.
  • The gross monthly salary is € 3017,- in the 1st year and increases to € 3824,- in the 4th year (scale OIO), based on a 36 hour workweek.
  • Excellent fringe benefits, such as a 13th month that is already paid out in November and an individual travel expense package.
  • Pension insurance with ABP, we take care of approximately 2/3 of the monthly contribution.
  • Special benefits, such as an incompany physiotherapist and bicycle repairservice.There is also a gym where you can work on your fitness after work.
  • An international office which aids you in preparing for you arrival and stay

Alle arbeidsvoorwaarden zijn conform de cao Universitair Medische Centra.

Meer informatie

For more information about this position, please contact dr. Wendy Unger, project lead and head Infection & Immunity research group via 010 704 46 54 or

If you are excited by the thought of this position and would like to apply, please do so by using the application form on our website.

Acquisitie naar aanleiding van deze advertentie is niet gewenst.

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Het begint met doen



Stap 1 - Solliciteren

Enthousiast over deze functie en herken je jezelf in het profiel? Solliciteer dan via de sollicitatiebutton op deze vacature. Onze recruiter stuurt je direct een ontvangstbevestiging.



Stap 2 - Selectie

Op basis van jouw sollicitatie kijken we of je past bij de vacature. We laten je zo snel mogelijk weten of je wordt uitgenodigd voor een gesprek.



Stap 3 - Gesprek

Je bent uitgenodigd voor een gesprek, mooi! In dit eerste gesprek leren we elkaar kennen en kijken we of we bij elkaar passen. Ook kun jij een goed beeld vormen van de functie, de afdeling en het Erasmus MC. Als het gesprek positief verloopt, volgt er vaak nog een tweede gesprek.



Stap 4 - Arbeidsvoorwaarden

Gefeliciteerd! Je bent aangenomen. Je toekomstige leidinggevende bespreekt het salaris en het dienstverband met je. Ook krijg je meer informatie over onze overige arbeidsvoorwaarden.


Aan de slag

Stap 5 - Aan de slag

Het is zover: je eerste werkdag! Leuk dat je bij ons aan de slag gaat. Je wordt ontvangen door je nieuwe afdeling en krijgt daar alle informatie die je nodig hebt. Heel veel werkplezier bij het Erasmus MC!

Neem contact met mij op

Roel Verheggen

Roel Verheggen, recruiter

Onderzoek begint met doen

Erasmus MC is het grootste medisch onderzoekscentrum van Nederland. Er is genoeg te doen. In het lab en in de schoolbanken, met toponderzoek en innovaties. We weten dat vooruitgang niet zit in praten tot de zon opkomt. Het begint met doen.

Lees verder

Baanbrekend werken, grenzen verleggen en voorop lopen: in zorg, onderwijs en onderzoek

Wij zijn geworteld in Rotterdam en werken in een prachtige state-of-the-art omgeving. Met toewijding en passie werken we aan het verbeteren van de zorg van vandaag en de gezondheid van morgen. Dit bereiken we met een verscheidenheid aan talent en kennis. We hechten aan diversiteit en gelijke kansen voor iedereen. Een inclusieve werkomgeving, waarin iedereen er mag zijn.

Lees meer over Erasmus MC

Solliciteer voor PhD candidate on novel antimicrobials for bacterial airway infections